Before you can use this application, please make sure that there are zip files present in the DataExport of your Salesforce Org. You can schedule your data to be exported in Salesforce.
The data export application is able to iterate through a completed export (see Salesforce > Data Management > Data Export) and copy the selections to your local server hard drive by specifying their credentials in the Salesforce connection string.
<add name="SalesforceConnectionString" connectionString="G4S:user;password=examplePassword;token=YYB00TokenExampleBwENRKwCSZ;environment=Production"/>
Pull Schema Info:
If "pullSchemaInfo" is set to true then the data export application will download the Salesforce schema information after pulling the data export zip files and will save it with the name "dataCache" in the same folder where the zip files are saved. This "dataCache" file contains Salesforce schema information in form of binary data. This information is later used while generating database to enforce relationships on the tables generated.