The Send2CRM website client deliberately avoids exposing specific error details when a form submission fails. Instead a configurable generic message is displayed. This page shows how to override that message.
Send2CRM does generate more detailed client-side error messages. These can be viewed in the browser console where error-level messages are logged on submission failure. They can also be used to display dynamic validation errors to website visitors as shown below.
Implement your code in a handler for a window
event such as load
or pageshow
// Optional: regexes to match error text with short code substitutions for minimal output. const ERR_CODES = [ [/time/i, 'TIME_RESTR'], [/identifier/i, 'IDENT_MISSING'], [/fields/i, 'FIELD_MISSING'], [/recaptcha/i, 'CAPTCHA_MISSING'], // Add a catch-all. [/.*/, 'GEN_ERR'], ]; // Attach to all form elements automatically processed by Send2CRM. document.querySelectorAll(send2crm.settings.formSelector).forEach(frm => { // Listen for the Send2CRM form submit event which will be fired with error information when a submission fails. frm.addEventListener('send2crmFormSubmit', (evt) => { /* evt.detail: { isSuccess: true|false, error: '<populated with error text on failure>', } */ if (!evt.detail.isSuccess) { // Get the first matching error code. let errCode = ERR_CODES.filter(e => evt.detail.error.match(e[0])).shift()?.[1]; // Get the submit button, we use this as the invalid element for general form errors. let frmSubmit = frm.querySelector('[type="submit"]'); if (errCode && frmSubmit) { // Append the error code to the end of the default message. // If you don't mind displaying the full message to visitors you could simply use evt.detail.error here. let errMsg = `${send2crm.settings.formFailMessage} [${errCode}]`; // Apply the error to the submit element, this will override the default Send2CRM message. frmSubmit.setCustomValidity(errMsg); frmSubmit.reportValidity(); // Note Send2CRM will automatically clear the form invalidity after 5 seconds so re-submission attempts are possible. } } }); });