Squarespace integration

Squarespace integration

Generate script

Use the Salesforce client configuration tool, or create the snippet and configuration manually. Apply the following settings:

  • formSelector: Squarespace does not offer an easy method to add CSS classes to forms or containers, so this will generally need to use existing selectors. For example:

    • ‘form’ to simply attach to all forms on the website.

    • ‘.newsletter-block form’ to attach to the form inside the newsletter block. Multiple selectors may be used with comma separators.

  • formListenOnButton: enable this setting so that Send2CRM creates a replacement submit button to handle sending. If not set the default Squarespace JavaScript handler will override Send2CRM.

  • formIdAttributes: set to “data-form-id”. Squarespace changes the form id on every page load so it isn't a reliable identifier, this data attribute remains the same.


<script> (function(s,e,n,d2,cr,m){n[e]=n[e]||{};m=document.createElement('script');m.onload=function(){n[e].init(d2,cr);};m.src=s;document.head.appendChild(m);})('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/FuseInfoTech/send2crmjs/send2crm.min.js', 'send2crm', window, 'my-site.my.salesforce-sites.com', '(key)'); window.addEventListener('send2crmLoading', (evt) => { send2crm.applySettings({ formSelector: '.newsletter-block form, .other-block-form form', formListenOnButton: true, formIdAttributes: ['data-form-id'], }); }); </script>

Apply script to all pages

Add the script to all website pages.

Go to Website > Website Tools > Code Injection in Squarespace. Enter the script in the header, with enclosing <script> tags. Save changes.

Map forms

The Send2CRM client is now installed in Squarespace. Capture a submission from each applicable form to set it up in the mapping wizard.

Use the ‘data-form-id’ identifier option.