FuseIT Sitecore Analytics Package (version 3.x)

FuseIT Sitecore Analytics Package (version 3.x)

IMPORTANT: The Sitecore Analytics Salesforce package requires the WFFM Save Action "S4S Identify And Push Visitor". If you do not use these Save Actions, you can skip this section.


The Salesforce package will install custom fields and buttons into the Lead or Contact objects. The custom fields will store Sitecore analytics data and the buttons will allow the data to be refreshed. 

Salesforce Package for Sitecore versions 9.0 and over (requires S4S version 1.9.18064.2 and above)

The "S4S Identify And Push Visitor" save action requires the following package be installed in Salesforce.

This package incorporates changes for the "S4S Identify And Push Visitor" save action which enables analytics tracking and personalisation across devices/browsers.The package is now a managed package to enable easier upgrade in the future.

S4S 1.9.18064.2

FuseIT Sitecore Analytics Package (version 3.1): https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t7F000003oOPy

S4S 2.900.18222.3

FuseIT Sitecore Analytics Package (version 3.2): https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t7F000005V5FO

S4S 2.911.19253.1 or later

FuseIT Sitecore Analytics Package (version 3.5): https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t7F000005N1Rx

S4S 2.1021.22192.1 or later

FuseIT Sitecore Analytics Package (version 3.6): https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t7F000005N1TP

Installing packages without login

It may not always be possible to directly install the packages using the above links as they will first prompt to login to the required Salesforce Org. If using a sandbox the URL would need to be modified for the test sub domain. With Single Sign On enabled take the path from the URLs above and append it to the URL after logging in e.g. login via SSO, then change the URL in the browsers address bar to something like https://cs13.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=xxx where xxx is the p0 parameter in the url above.

Next Step

Install Package (Version 3.x)


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