Install S4MC (Sitecore for Marketing Cloud)



  • For Sitecore 8.2 - Make sure to install relevant WFFM module before installing S4MC package - Use the package
  • For Sitecore 9.2 with Experience forms - Use the package

Follow the same installation steps for both the packages.

S4MC comes as standard Sitecore Package. Users can install it from Sitecore Desktop » Start menu » Development Tools » Installation Wizard.

Configurations in ConnectionStrings.config

  • Add a connection string to the S4MC Web Services to the <connectionString> element of App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config.
  <add name="S4MCConnString" connectionString="S4MC:user id=user;password=password" />

The <connectionStrings> element can have a number of connection strings defined. Each one is defined by the <add> tag. This element has a number of attributes but we use only two.




The name of the connection string. Any entity using this connection string will address it by this name.


The connection string itself. This should starts with "S4MC:" prefix as in the above example

Configurations in web.config

  • Add a client end point for Marketing Cloud API inside <system.serviceModel> element as follows.
<!--Client for Marketing Cloud SOAP API-->
	<endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="SoapBinding" contract="MCClient.Soap" name="Soap"/>

Change the address property of <endpoint> element according to your Marketing Cloud instance.

  • Add a binding for SOAP inside system.serviceModel>bindings> basicHttpBinding elements as follows.
<binding name="SoapBinding" closeTimeout="00:30:00" openTimeout="00:30:00" receiveTimeout="00:30:00" sendTimeout="00:30:00">
	<security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">
      <message clientCredentialType="UserName"/>
  • Following configurations ensure the compatibility with the Marketing Cloud TLS 1.2 upgrade.

        Add the following to the configSections in your web.config:

<section name="FuseIT.S4MCConnector" type="FuseIT.S4MC.MarketingCloud.MCSoapClient.MCSettingsSection, FuseIT.S4MC.MarketingCloud" />

         Then add the following section to the web.config to change the default values:

    <!-- Config to explicitly set the System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol -->
      <securityProtocol securityProtocolType="Tls" />
      <securityProtocol securityProtocolType="Tls11" />
      <securityProtocol securityProtocolType="Tls12" />


When you have multiple connection strings configured, add connections string names (which are configured in ConnectionStrings.config) as settings to App_Config/Modules/S4MC/S4MC.config.

If there are multiple Marketing Cloud connection strings configured, you have to add multiple setting nodes.

   <setting name="S4MCConnString" value="Default Org"/>      

 ‘name’ attribute needs to match with the connection string name in the ConnectionStrings.config file.

 ‘value’ attribute of these settings will be the display text of the connection string selection dropdown in the S4MC UI.


Currently, S4MC does not push Sitecore xDB analytics to Marketing Cloud.

Next Step

For Sitecore 8.2 - Usage of S4MC

For Sitecore 9.2 - Usage of S4MC