The S4S WFFM Module can be configured to be able to submit data to multiple Salesforce Orgs on a form-by-form basis. Currently, this is only available for S4S with Sitecore 8.1 onwards.

Sitecore 8.1 Onwards Configuration

The multiple S4S connection strings are configured in the App_Config/ConnectionStrings.config file. By default, you need to configure the S4SConnString and S4SConnStringUI. 

You can then add more S4S connection strings with unique names that must follow the pattern:

S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password>
S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password><user_security_token>
S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password>;token=<user_security_token>
S4S:user id=<user_name>;password=<user_password>;environment=<binding_environment>

An example of a Sitecore website that connects to multiple Salesforce orgs:

<!-- the 'primary' connection strings -->
<add name="S4SConnString" connectionString="S4S:user;password=mypassword;environment=DeveloperEdition" />
<add name="S4SConnStringUI" connectionString="S4S:user;password=mypassword;environment=DeveloperEdition" />

<!-- additional connection strings -->
<add name="S4SConnStringOtherOrg" connectionString="S4S:user;password=otherpassword;environment=DeveloperEdition" />
<add name="S4SConnStringAnotherOrg" connectionString="S4S:user;password=anotherpassword;environment=DeveloperEdition" />

The S4S Mapping Wizard and Bulk Analytics Updater will automatically process the extra connection strings.

Sitecore 8.2 Configuration

Multiple connection strings for S4S WFFM in not currently available.

Next Step

Configure the Sitecore SaveAction Template Field (Pre-Sitecore 9)
