There are a few minor modifications required to the Content Manager https://internal-cm-domain/CMServiceAPI/
web application to allow large files to be transferred from the T4S Server to Content Manager.
IIS Web App Configuration
Open IIS on the Opentext Content Manager web server, and navigate to the CMServerAPI app.
Double-click on the Configuration Editor icon
Select “system.webServer/serverRuntime“ from the drop-down option.
maxRequestEntityAllowed property specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed in the entity body of a request. e.g. 4294967295
UploadReadAheadSize property establishes the number of bytes a Web server will read into a buffer and pass to an ISAPI extension e.g. 2147483647
web.config Configuration
Open the web.config for the CMServiceAPI web app and set the httpRuntime
<system.web> <httpRuntime executionTimeout="1200" requestValidationType="TRIM.Services.Common.RequestValidator" maxRequestLength="209715200" /> </system.web>
Set the requestFiltering properties
<system.webServer> <security> <requestFiltering> <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="209715200" /> </requestFiltering> </security> </system.webServer>
hptrim.config (changes for v23+ only)
Open the hptrim.config for the CMService web app and set the property requireAntiForgeryToken to false