The Sitecore CDP OAuth2 implementation is not currently working. The public API endpoint is available instead.
Create a new Connected App in Salesforce. Find the App Manager in setup, and click New Connected App at top right. Enable OAuth settings and set the Callback URL to “” to allow testing interactive flows with Postman, or whatever value you require (not used by Sitecore CDP). Select appropriate scopes, e.g. api, refresh_token. Retrieve the Client ID and Secret once created.
Create a new Connection of type Destination in Sitecore CDP. Use OAuth2 authentication with the following settings:
Token URL: https://<salesforce.domain>/services/oauth2/token
Client ID: from Connected App
Client Secret: from Connected App
The Salesforce refresh_token or password flows can be used here. Click Show URL encoded form and add the required values.
Refresh token flow
grant_type: refresh_token
refresh_token: (perform authorization code flow with Postman or other client and copy the token)
Password flow
grant_type: password
username: (Salesforce username)
password: (Salesforce password)
The endpoint should be https://<salesforce.domain>/services/apexrest/cdp4sapi/guestdata.