Send2CRM does generate more detailed client-side error messages. These can be viewed in the browser console where error-level messages are logged on submission failure. They can also
This information is also provided via the Send2CRM form submit event. The details could be used to display dynamic validation errors to website visitors as shown below.
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// Optional: regexes to match error text with short code substitutions for minimal output. const ERR_CODES = [ [/time/i, 'TIME_RESTR'], [/identifier/i, 'IDENT_MISSING'], [/fields/i, 'FIELD_MISSING'], [/recaptcha/i, 'CAPTCHA_MISSING'], // Add a catch-all. [/.*/, 'GEN_ERR'], ]; // Attach to all form elements automatically processed by Send2CRM. document.querySelectorAll(send2crm.settings.formSelector).forEach(frm => { // Listen for the Send2CRM form submit event which will be fired with error information when a submission fails. frm.addEventListener('send2crmFormSubmit', (evt) => { /* evt.detail: { isSuccess: true|false, error: '<populated with error text on failure>', } */ if (!evt.detail.isSuccess) { // Get the first matching error code. let errCode = ERR_CODES.filter(e => evt.detail.error.match(e[0])).shift()?.[1]; // Get the submit button, we use this as the invalid element for general form errors. let frmSubmit = frm.querySelector('[type="submit"]'); if (errCode && frmSubmit) { // Append the error code to the end of the default message. // If you don't mind displaying the full message to visitors you could simply use evt.detail.error here. let errMsg = `${send2crm.settings.formFailMessage} [${errCode}]`; // Apply the error to the submit element, this will override the default Send2CRM message. frmSubmit.setCustomValidity(errMsg); frmSubmit.reportValidity(); // Note Send2CRM will automatically clear the form invalidity after 5 seconds so re-submission attempts are possible. } } }); }); |
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This example could also be adapted to perform error reporting on client-side form submission failures. |