SDDMS is a single application (FuseIT.SDDMS.Executable) that has three modes of operation that can be trigger triggered by command line arguments or settings in the app. config file.
1. Data Export Mode
Choose this mode by specifing "/DatabaseGen" as the first argument.
Use SQL Server connection String name and ensure your connection string has been added to the config file.
If you donot do not want to specify the connection string name only specify the mode:
Four parameters are required when connecting with a connection string
e.g FuseIT.SDDMS.Executable /DatabaseGen /scs:SalesforceConnectionStringName /sqlcs:SQLConnectionStringName "path"
/scs: Salesforce connection string name (config file)
/sqlcs: SQL Server connection string name (config file)
path: File directory where the data export files are saved
e.g c:/Myplace