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/***************************** * Class : AccountTrimHelper * Created By : FuseIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @description : Utility Class for Account TRIM interaction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ****************************/ public without sharing class AccountTrimHelper { /***************************** * @method onAfterInsert * @description Check if the trigger is enabled and call createNewAccountContainers * @param newAccountsList ****************************/ public static void onAfterInsert(List<Account> newAccountsList) { if (fuseit_t4s.TrimCustomSettingHelper.isTriggerEnabled) { createNewAccountContainers(newAccountsList); } } /***************************** * @method onAfterUpdate * @description Check if the trigger is enabled and call checkAccountContainers * @param accountsList * @param oldAccountMap ****************************/ public static void onAfterUpdate(List<Account> accountsList, Map<Id,Account> oldAccountMap) { if (fuseit_t4s.TrimCustomSettingHelper.isTriggerEnabled) { checkAccountContainers(accountsList, oldAccountMap); } } /***************************** * @method onAfterDelete * @description Delete orphan Trim Records when their parent Account has been deleted. * @param oldAccountMap ****************************/ public static void onAfterDelete(Map<Id,Account> oldAccountMap) { if (fuseit_t4s.TrimCustomSettingHelper.isTriggerEnabled) { deleteOrphanTrimRecords(oldAccountMap.keySet()); } } /***************************** * @method createNewAccountContainers * @description Create new Account Containers if T4S Setting is a match * @param newAccountsList ****************************/ private static void createNewAccountContainers(List<Account> newAccountsList) { List<fuseit_t4s__Trim_Setting__c> settings = new List<fuseit_t4s__Trim_Setting__c>(); String prefix = '001'; //Account try { settings = [Select Id, Name From fuseit_t4s__Trim_Setting__c Where fuseit_t4s__Auto_Create_Sub_Container__c = true And fuseit_t4s__sObject_Prefix__c =: prefix]; if(settings.size() > 0) { Id settingId = settings[0].Id; if(newAccounts .size() > 0) { fuseit_t4s.TrimConnector.createBulkContainers(newAccounts, settingId); } } }catch(Exception ex) { throw ex; } } /***************************** * @method checkAccountContainers * @description If the Person Account name has changed, then their TRIM Container title must also change. * @param accountsList * @param oldAccountMap ****************************/ private static void checkAccountContainers(List<Account> accountsList, Map<Id,Account> oldAccountMap) { Map<Id, Map<String, String>> requestsMap = new Map<Id, Map<String, String>>(); Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>(); for (Account a : accountsList) { //If Person Accounts enabled in the Org if(a.IsPersonAccount && String.isNotBlank(a.Trim_URI__c)) { if(a.FirstName != oldAccountMap.get(a.Id).FirstName || a.LastName != oldAccountMap.get(a.Id).LastName) { Map<String, String> containerMap = new Map<String, String>(); containerMap.put('RecordTitle', a.Trim_Container_Name__c); //Formula field to create the Container Name containerMap.put('Uri', a.Trim_URI__c); //Custom field to hold each Account Container URI requestsMap.put(a.Id, containerMap); accountIds.add(a.Id); } } } if(requestsMap.size() > 0) { List<fuseit_t4s__Trim__c> trims = [Select Id from fuseit_t4s__Trim__c WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED]; if(!trims.isEmpty()) { fuseit_t4s.TrimConnector.modifyBulkContainers(requestsMap, trims[0].Id); } } } /***************************** * @method checkAccountContainerssynchroniseAccounts * @description When called, find all Account Trim Records that are scheduled to be synced into TRIM * and call the T4S sync method. ****************************/ public static void synchroniseAccounts() { fuseit_t4s__Trim_Custom_Settings__c setting = fuseit_t4s__Trim_Custom_Settings__c.getInstance('Default'); Integer count = Integer.valueOf(setting.fuseit_t4s__Max_Bulk_Sync_Count__c); List<fuseit_t4s__Trim_Record__c> trimRecords = [Select Id, fuseit_t4s__Logging__c, fuseit_t4s__Trim_Status__c From fuseit_t4s__Trim_Record__c Where fuseit_t4s__Trim_Status__c = 'Scheduled' And fuseit_t4s__Parent_ID__c like '001%' WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED limit :count]; if(trimRecords.size() > 0) { for(fuseit_t4s__Trim_Record__c record : trimRecords) { record.fuseit_t4s__Logging__c = 'Accounts bulk sync at ' + String.valueOf(DateTime.now()); record.fuseit_t4s__Trim_Status__c = 'Processing'; } if (Schema.sObjectType.fuseit_t4s__Trim_Record__c.isUpdateable()){ update trimRecords; } fuseit_t4s.TrimConnector.synchroniseBulkRecords(trimRecords); } } /***************************** * @method deleteOrphanTrimRecords * @description Delete orphan Trim Records using deleted Account Ids * @param accountIds ****************************/ private static void deleteOrphanTrimRecords(Set<Id> accountIds) { if(accountIds.size() > 0) { List<fuseit_t4s__Trim_Record__c> records = [Select Id, fuseit_t4s__Parent_ID__c from fuseit_t4s__Trim_Record__c Where fuseit_t4s__Parent_ID__c in: accountIds WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED]; if(records.size() > 0) { if (Schema.sObjectType.fuseit_t4s__Trim_Record__c.isDeletable()){ delete records; } } } } } |